• Peer-reviewed publications (SSCI-indexed journal: 35)
Health Communication: [HC]
Children and Media: [CM]
Environmental Communication: [EC]
[Book] Chen, L. (2020). Health communication: Theories, methods, and empirical studies. Intellectual Property Publishing House.
37. [HC] Chen, L. & Tang, H. (2022). Examining the Persuasion Process of Narrative Fear Appeals on Online Health Misinformation. Information, Communication & Society.
36. [HC]Shi, J., Chen, L.(Corresponding Author) & Tsang J. (2022). Integrating Interpersonal Communication Into the Influence of Presumed Media Influence Model: Understanding Intentions to Censor and Correct COVID-19 Misinformation on Social Media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media
35. [HC]Chen, L. & Chen, M. (2022). Danger control and fear control during public health emergencies: Considering the roles of fear and hope in the EPPM across different levels of trust. Risk Analysis.
34. [HC]Chen, L., Tang, H., & Guo, Y* (2022). Effect of patient-centered communication on physician-patient conflicts from the physicians’ perspective: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Health Communication.
33. [CM]Chen, L., Liu, Y. *, Jiang, X., & Fu, L. (2022). How does media attention affect parental response behaviors to telecommunication fraud?: Based on the influence of presumed media influence model. Current Psychology.
32. [HC]Chen, L. & Fu, L. (2022). Let's Fight the Infodemic: The third-person effect process of misinformation during public health emergencies. Internet Research.
31. [HC]Chen, L., Wang, X., Wang, P. & Ma., X. (2021). Cancer communication and user engagement on Chinese social media: Extracting topics using text analytics. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
30. [HC] Chen, L. Yang, X., Huang, X. (2021) Promoting HPV Vaccination on Social Media: Interactive Effects of Threat, Efficacy and Social Cues. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics.
29. [HC] Chen M., Chen, L.(Corresponding Author) (2021)Promoting Smoking Cessation in China: Using an Expansion of the EPPM with Other-oriented Threat. Journal of Health Communication (SSCI Journal Q2 in Communication).
28. [HC] Li., Y. Guo, Y., Chen, L.(Corresponding Author) (2021)Predicting Social Support Exchanging among Male Homosexuals Who are HIV-Positive in Social Media Context: The Role of Online Self-Disclosure. Journal of Homosexuality (SSCI Journal Q1 in Gender Studies).
27. [EC] Wang, X., Chen, L.(Corresponding Author), & Shi, J. (2021)Who Sets the Agenda? The Dynamic Agenda Setting of the Wildlife Issue on Social Media. Environmental Communication (SSCI Journal Q1 in Communication).
26. [HC] Chen, L., Tang, H., Liao, S. & Hu, Y. (2020) e-Health Campaigns for Promoting Influenza Vaccination: Examining Effectiveness of Fear Appeal Messages from Different Sources. Telemedicine & e-Health. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0263 (SCI Journal, Q2 in Health Care Sciences & Services)
25. [EC] Yang, X., Chen, L. (Corresponding Author), Wei, L., & Su, Q. (2020). Personal and Media Factors Related to Citizens’ Pro-environmental Behavioral Intention against Haze in China: A Moderating Analysis of TPB. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072314 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health SSCI).
24. [CM] Chen, L., Ho, S., Lwin, L., Chen M. (2020) How do parents manage children’s social media use? Development and validation of a social media parental mediation scale across child and parent samples. Internet Research. doi: 10.1108/INTR-02-2018-0061 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Business) 2019 Top Paper (1st Place) awarded by Mass Communication & Society Division, AEJMC
23. [EC] Yang, X. & Chen, L. (Corresponding Author) (2020) Does news media exposure stir the illusion in public understanding of climate change? Public Understanding of Science. doi: 10.1177/0963662519877743 (SSCI Journal Q1 in Communication)
22. [HC] Chen, L., Yang, X., Fu, L., Liu, X. & Yuan, C. (2019) Using the extended parallel process model to examine the nature and impact of breast cancer prevention information on Mobile Social Media. JMIR mHealth and uHealth (SCI Journal Q1 in Medical Informatics)
21. [EC] Guo, Y., Li, Y., & Chen, L. (2019) After Fukushima: How do news media impact Japanese public’s risk perception and anxiety regarding nuclear radiation. Environmental Communication. doi: 10.1080/17524032.2019.1614966 (SSCI Journal Q1 in Communication)
20. [HC] Peng, T., & Chen, L. (Corresponding Author) (2019) Cancer prevention messages on Chinese social media: A content analysis grounded in the extended parallel process model and attribution theory. International Journal of Communication (SSCI Journal, Q3 in Communication; Q1 in General Social Science)
19. [HC] Wang, X., Chen, L., Shi, J., & Peng, T. (2019) What makes cancer information viral on social media?. Computers in Human Behaviors. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.12.024 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Social Psychology) Top Paper (1st Place) awarded by 2018 Chinese Annual Conference of New Media and Communication
18. [HC] Yang, X. & Chen, L. (Corresponding Author) (2019) Examining Knowledge as a Motivation for Attention to Breast Cancer Related Information across Different Media. International Journal of Communication. (SSCI Journal, Q3 in Communication; Q1 in General Social Science)
17. [EC] Chen, L., Shi, J., Guo, Y., Wang, P.,& Li, Y. (2019). Agenda-Setting on Traditional versus Social Media: An Analysis of Haze-Related Content Grounded in the Extended Parallel Process Model. Internet Research. doi: 10.1108/IntR-08-2017-0315 (SSCI Journal Q1 in Business)
16. [HC] Chen, L., Wang, X., & Peng, T. (2018). Nature and Diffusion of Gynecologic Cancer-Related Misinformation on Social Media. Journal of Medical Internet Research. doi: 10.2196/11515 (SCI Journal Top1 in Medical Informatics)
15. [CM] Ho, S., Lwin, L., Yee, A., Sng, J., Chen, L. (2018) Parents' Responses to Cyberbullying Effects: How Third-Person Perception Influences Support for Legislation and Parental Mediation Strategies. Computers in Human Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2018.11.021 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Social Psychology)
14. [HC] Shi, J. & Chen, L. (Corresponding Author), Su, Y. & Chen, M (2018). Offspring caregivers of Chinese women with breast cancer: Their social support requests and provision on social media. Telemedicine and e-Health. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2018.0176 (SCI Journal, Q2 in Health Care Sciences & Services)
13. [HC] Chen, L., Guo, Y., & Shi, J. (2018). Social support seeking on social media among Chinese gay men living with HIV/AIDS: The role of perceived threat. Telemedicine & E-Health. doi: 10.1089/tmj.2018.0136 (SCI Journal, Q2 in Health Care Sciences & Services)
12. [HC] Chen, L. & Yang, X. (2018). Using EPPM to evaluate the effectiveness of fear appeal messages across different media outlets to increase the intention of breast self-examination among Chinese women. Health Communication. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2018.1493416 (SSCI Journal, Q2 in Communication, Q1 in General Social Science) Best Paper awarded by 2017 Chinese Annual Conference of Health Communication
11. [CM] Chen, L. & Shi, J. (2018). Reducing harm from media: A meta-analysis of parental mediation. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. doi: 10.1177/1077699018754908 (SSCI Journal, Q2 in Communication, Q1 in General Social Science) Top Paper awarded by 2017 ICA Regional Conference
10. [EC] Ho, S.S., Leong, A.D., Looi, J., Chen, L., Pang, N., & Tandoc, E. Jr. (2018). Science literacy or value predisposition? A meta-analysis of factors predicting public perceptions of benefits, risks, and acceptance of nuclear energy. Environmental Communication.doi: 10.1080/17524032.2017.1394891 (SSCI Journal, Q2 in Communication, Q1 in General Social Science)
9. [CM] Chen, L., Ho, S. S., & Lwin, M. O. (2017). A meta-analysis of factors predicting cyberbullying perpetration and victimization: From the social cognitive and media effects approach. New Media and Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444816634037 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Communication) 2018 Top Published Article of the Year (1st Place) awarded by AEJMC ComSHER
8. [CM] Ho, S. S., Chen, L., & Ng, A. (2017) Comparing cyberbullying perpetration on social media between primary and secondary school students. Computer & Education. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2017.02.004 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications).
7. [HC] Shi, J., Wang, X., Peng, T., & Chen, L. (2016). How do PLWHA interact in virtual communities? A network analysis of an HIV community on Weibo. AIDS Care- Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1210074 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Multidisciplinary Psychology)
6. [HC] Wang, X., Shi, J., Chen, L., & Peng, T. (2016). An examination of users’ influence in online HIV/AIDS communities. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2015.0539 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Social Psychology)
5. [HC] Yang, X., Chen, L., & Feng, Q. (2015). Risk perception of food safety issue on social media. Chinese Journal of Communication. doi: 10.1080/17544750.2015.1111247 (SSCI Journal)
4. [HC] Chen, L. & Yang, X. (2015). Nature and effectiveness of online social support for intercultural adaptation of mainland Chinese international students. International Journal of Communication. (SSCI Journal, Q3 in Communication)
3. [HC] Chen, L. & Shi, J. (2015). Social support exchanges in a social media community for people living with HIV/AIDS in China. AIDS Care-Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. doi: 10.1080/17544750.2014.926954 (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Multidisciplinary Psychology)
2. [HC] Shi, J. & Chen, L. (2014). Social support messages on Sina Weibo for people living with HIV/AIDS in China: A content analysis. Chinese Journal of Communication. doi: 10.1080/17544750.2014.926954 (SSCI Journal)
1. Chen, L. (2013). China’s creative industries: Copyright, social network markets and the business of culture in a digital age. New Media and Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444812459453d (SSCI Journal, Q1 in Communication)
[Book Chapter] Yang, Z., Chen, L., & Tang, H. (Forthcoming). Social Media and Foodball Games in China. In E. F. Pena (Ed.), Social Media and Global Sport. Routledge.
[Book Chapter] Ho, S. S., Chen, L., & Liao, Y. (2015). Obesity. In G. Colditz (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopaedia of Cancer and Society. Sage Publications.